A macro inserts dynamic HTML data in any context supporting [Help:WikiFormatting Wiki Formatting].

== Using Macros ==

Macro calls are enclosed in two ''square brackets''.

=== Examples ===







To add a footnote to text you use the footnote macro. [[FootNote(Footnotes are automatically linked)]] You use the same macro but with no text to display the accumulated list of footnotes. For example:


To add a footnote to text you use the footnote macro. [[FootNote(Footnotes are automatically linked)]] You use the same macro but with no text to display the accumulated list of footnotes. For example:


== Available Macros ==
Insert a line break.
`[[Span(content, attributes)]]`::
Wraps text or other elements inside a `` tag.
Embed an image in wiki-formatted text. The first argument is the filename of the image. The remaining arguments are optional and allow configuring the attributes and style of the rendered `` element:{{{#!html}}}
`[[File(content, attributes)]]`::
Works similar to the Image macro but, instead, generates a link to a file. The first argument is the filename.
This macro will insert a linked title to a resource. It can be passed wither an ID or alias.
This macro functions identically to the Resource macro mentioned above.
This macro will generate a link to a contributor's page with the contributor's name as the link text. It accepts either the contributor's ID, username, or name. NOTE: to use a name, it must be identical to their contributor page.
This macro will generate a link to a Tag.
Inserts an alphabetic list of all wiki pages into the output. Accepts a prefix string as parameter: if provided, only pages with names that start with the prefix are included in the resulting list. If this parameter is omitted, all pages are listed.
`[[FootNote(footnote text)]]`::
Add a footnote, or explicitly display collected footnotes when no args (footnote text) are given.
Generates a link to a random page.
Inserts an anchor into a page.